The coronavirus has presented many unique challenges, foremost among them how to maintain a safe distance while staying in touch with clients, especially in bad weather.
Pine Creek Structures in Millersville helped us with a solution by offering SPAN a great discount on a gazebo for our front yard. Our interviewers can safely sit here and maintain distance, while communicating with clients. Perhaps an electrical line down the road will allow us to use a space heater in it when the weather gets cold...
#PineCreekStructures #SPANHelps #annapolis #nonprofit #foodpantry #assistancenetwork #givelocal #severnapark #millersville #arnold #broadneck #annearundel #volunteer #givingback #helpingothers #donate #payitforward #kindness #SPAN #utilityassistance #evictionassistance #foodassistance #localfoodpantry
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