What a Wonderful Season!

The last few months have been filled with generosity and fun!

From our Turkey Trot in November to our Thanksgiving and Christmas Holiday Caring and lots of events in between - this Community has been busy, having fun and helping our Neighbors!

SPAN's 12th Stride for SPAN Turkey Trot has held on a beautiful fall morning, November 2nd. Many joined us for a great morning! Over 180 were registered to walk or run, including large teams from Creative Force Dance Center and Bodkin Striders. Thanks to our sponsors we made more than $23,000 with the event! It will go a long way in helping our clients with utility turn-offs and evictions! Thank you! We are looking forward to our next one November 1, 2025 again at Kinder Farm Park!

We are grateful for so many generous community members, especially during the holiday season!

Every year SPAN has a Holiday Sharing Program to help brighten the holidays a little for some who are dealing with a lot. This year we helped over 160 families with food for a Thanksgiving meal and close to 200 families at Christmas. Together you provided gifts for close to 500 children! A huge thank you to Asbury United Methodist Church, Baldwin Memorial United Methodist Church, St Andrews By the Bay Parish, St Martin's in-the-Field Episcopal Church, Severna Park United Methodist Church, Trinity Bible Church, Woods Memorial Presbyterian Church and all the other groups and individuals who sponsored families this year! Thank you so much - so many are grateful for your generosity! Merry Christmas!

We are thankful for the support from all 13 of our member churches! Their support comes in many forms - volunteer time, collections of food, help with our Holiday Caring and other special events. This time of year Severna Park United Methodist does the amazing Reverse Advent Program, filling blue SPAN bags with food for us during the Advent Season!

Many individuals and business have donated to SPAN, especially this time of year. We appreciate all of the community support - it is what makes our work possible!

We are also thankful for the students who help us - many join us to help with our special events throughout the year such as our 4th of July Parade, Turkey Trot, Holiday Caring S(o)UPER BOWL FOOD Drive and others. We also have students who collect and donate food, put together birthday boxes and create beautiful greeting cards for us to share!

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  • Michele Sabean
    published this page in Blog 2025-01-16 13:27:05 -0500

SPAN, Inc. (Serving People Across Neighborhoods)
400 Benfield Rd.
Severna Park, MD 21146

Please mail checks to:
PO Box 626
Severna Park, MD 21146

Phone: 410-647-0889
Fax: 410-647-7724
Email: [email protected]
Hours: Monday through Thursday, 10:00am-1:30pm