In the News

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Mike Monahan Named Vice President of SPAN

SPAN is very happy to announce that Mike Monahan of Millersville has been named as SPAN's Vice President on the Executive Board. Mike will replace Trish Davis, who previously served as Vice President since 2014.

Mike first became aware of SPAN after hearing about their holiday drive in 2016 and began working with the organization soon after. He has been active in similar organizations in and around Baltimore over the past several years and was both impressed with the contributors and scale of SPAN’s efforts, and somewhat surprised with the needs that existed closer to home.

Mike attended Loyola University in Baltimore, earning degrees in Finance and Accounting, and has held Finance and Portfolio Management roles within the commodities industry since 2001. He and his wife Denise moved to the area in 2009 and have three boys currently attending Shipley’s Choice Elementary School.

Remembering SPAN Volunteer Leo Kennedy

We are deeply saddened by the passing of Leo J. Kennedy, a faithful SPAN volunteer. Leo was always cheerful and pleasant, and was liked very much by the SPAN family. Our deepest sympathy to his family and friends. Following is Leo's obituary, as sent by his daughter:

Leo J. Kennedy, age 94, of Severna Park, MD, formerly of Columbus, OH, passed away December 26, 2018. Husband of the late Irene R.and Betty S. Also preceded in death by son John M. Kennedy; brother James Kennedy; sister Bernadette Green. Survived by children: Judith (Mike) Neidig, James E., Marianne (Salvatore) Calenda, Jean (Martin) Warner; brother, John; sister, Mary Lou Betz; five grandchildren. He was a US Navy veteran of World War II and an administrative manager with Murphy, Young and Smith. Friends may call Sunday 2-5 PM EVANS FUNERAL HOME 4171 E. Livingston Ave. Funeral mass Monday 10:00 AM St. Philip the Apostle Catholic Church 1573 Elaine Rd. Father William Arnold celebrant. Interment St. Joseph Cemetery. In lieu of lowers, donations may be made to St. Philip the Apostle Catholic Church or the Mid-Ohio Food Bank.

SPAN's 2018 Turkey Trot 5K/1M Breaks Records!

Our biggest fundraiser of the year, the SPAN Turkey Trot 5K/1M, was held on a beautiful morning at Kinder Park on November 11. A good time was had by all! Race organizers Tia Johnson and Sarah Salkeld outdid themselves this year and grossed over $20,000 for SPAN, the best race ever! Our generous SPAN volunteers donated over $2,000! Thanks also to Mike Johnson for emcee-ing and to the other family members of Tia and Sarah for helping so generously! Please remember these race sponsors when deciding where to shop locally:

Moscker Insurance Agency, Alexander Animal Hospital, Marathon Real Estate, Rockwell Fitness, Freedom Restoration, Jing Ying Institute of Kung Fu and Tai Chi, McDonald’s Severna Park, McCarl Dental Group, Chesapeake Hearing Centers, Severna Park Taphouse, Severn Savings Bank, Broadneck Pharmacy, Fence and Deck Connection, Squisito, Edward Jones – Alexis P Lecouras, CFP®, AAMS, Café Mezzanotte, Living Health Integrative Medicine, Savvy Consignment, Brightview Builders, Lifetime Wealth Care, The Bank of Glen Burnie, Wright Orthodontics, Paul Kinsey Dentistry, Bay Area Appraisers, Friendship Creative Printers, Emidio Vincenzo, Lighthouse Car Wash, Environmental Automotive, Severna Park Family and Cosmetic Dentistry, Dynasplint Systems, Inc., Side Street Framers, and Be My Guest Catering.

Anne Arundel County Firefighters Deliver 106 Thanksgiving Meals to SPAN

We are overwhelmed with gratitude for the Anne Arundel County Professional Fire FightersAnne Arundel County Retired FirefightersAnne Arundel County Fire Department, and Anne Arundel County Fire Department Training Academy's donation to our Holiday Caring Program. Having promised 40 Thanksgiving meals, they showed up with 106! What an amazing display of generosity from our local heroes! In addition to the food, they also collected $600 to be donated to our general fund, to be used for court-ordered evictions, utility cut-offs, and medical/prescription co-pays. We are in awe! Read Sharon Tegler's article about this event in The Capital by clicking here.

Severn School Collects a Whole POD Full of SPAN Donations During Their Spirit Week!

SPAN is humbled by the generosity of the Severn School community. During their spirit week, students collected food and toiletries for SPAN. When the (8'x12') storage container was delivered to SPAN, every last inch of it was filled! Our pantry will be overflowing thanks to this generous community of students, parents, teachers, and administration. We cannot thank you enough!!!


Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Does Food Drive for SPAN and Gives a Special Gift!

These folks from Wells Fargo in Annapolis did a food drive for SPAN. They delivered at least a dozen bags of food and toiletries, including great stuff like laundry detergent - and delivered it in reusable bags that they let us keep! They also gave us a special present - a Wells Fargo cookie jar! Thanks to all of these fine folks for your generosity!

Vacation Bible Schools Help Restock Our Pantry

"For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.." - Matthew 25:35

Local vacation bible schools practiced what they preached, as many local schools collected food and distributed it to SPAN during their week-long sessions.

Particularly noteworthy were the contributions of Our Shepherd Lutheran Church's VBS, who dedicated a different goal to each day of the week. Monday was breakfast day, etc. We are so grateful for all your gifts!

Fabu' Salon and Theresa Kurtz, Realtor at ReMax One, Partner up to Give Free Haircuts and Backpacks Filled With School Supplies to Children in Need

On Monday, August 20, we saw a wonderful display of local businesses collaborating to help local children in need as the start of school approaches. The brainchild of Theresa Kurtz - Realtor at Re/Max One, the plan was simple: to provide free haircuts and backpacks full of school supplies to some kids who would have a tough time affording it on their own. Fabu' Salon & Spa, under the thoughtful leadership of Jean-Marie, Stylist at Fabu' Salon & Spa, decided to donate a Monday - a day they are usually closed - to providing free haircuts to 48 children, whose names SPAN provided. Eight stylists donated their time! They also collected backpacks and school supplies for 100. The remainder of the backpacks went to students at the Cisco Center.

Those who helped, by either collecting school supplies, donating cash, or both were: The Cottage, Severna Park Family Chiropractic, Garry's Grill & Catering, Bulldog Bikes and Floats, Shauna Lodowski Talbot, Lee Talbot - State Farm Insurance Agent, and many others!

We were allowed to sit ringside at Fabu as these kids were treated like royalty, with drinks, cupcakes, balloons, candy, and a lot of pampering. It was heartwarming! Following are some of the photos we captured...

SPRFC Holds Weeklong Shop Local Food Collection, Featuring SPAN

Thank you to Andrea Granquist Eichenlaub and SPRFC for highlighting SPAN in their Shop Local event last week. They collected and donated an entire carload of food to us for our neighbors in need!

Sun and Fun at the 2018 Shop Local Fun Festival in Park Plaza!

What a tremendous turnout there was at the Shop Local Fun Festival on August 18! Thanks to the Greater Severna Park & Arnold Chamber of Commerce and all on the committee who worked so hard to make it happen. SPAN raised over $150 in cash, plus collected six bags stuffed with food and some school supplies. We got a $100 donation from Kwon's Tae Kwon Do! We also were given three cases of fruit by 1430 WNAV, courtesy of Green Valley Marketplace. Most importantly, we were able to spread the word about SPAN to people who had not heard of us. Thanks for giving us an interview, WNAV, and thanks, organizers, for allowing us to make a short speech at the event!


Anonymous Donor Gives SPAN $5,000 for Special Needs

We all have angels in our everyday lives, and one of them just blessed SPAN with a wonderful gift. This anonymous donor gave SPAN $5,000, and asked us to use the money for special needs that do not fall under our regular parameters. This is the same anonymous donor that gave us another $5,000 grant last fall, with which we were able to help a grieving father pay for his daughter's funeral, a landscaper get his truck fixed so he could continue to work, and a breast-cancer patient pay for unexpected expenses. Thank you, dear donor, you are much appreciated! 

Back-to-School Supplies Drive by Theresa Kurtz and Re/Max One

Hats off to Theresa Kurtz - Realtor at Re/Max One for organizing an amazing back-to-school event to benefit those in need in our community! Fabu' Salon & Spa will be giving free haircuts and backpacks full of school supplies to our clients on August 20. SPAN will serve as a drop-off point for school supplies. You can bring them by during our office hours (M-Th 10-2) or 24/7 in our bin behind our building. Other drop-off points are Fabu', The Cottage, Severna Park Chiropractic, and Garry's Grill. For those who drop off at Fabu' Salon, you will receive a coupon for 25% off your next retail purchase.

Thanks also to Garry's Grill & Catering for being a cash sponsor of this event!

Don't you just love it when local businesses get together for the betterment of our community! <3

Curtis Family Scouts Collect Lots of Donations in Carrollton Manor

The Curtis family of Carrollton Manor has three dedicated Scouts: Kellen Curtis is with Boy Scout Troop 857, Cian Curtis is with Boy Scout Troop 855, and Shannon Curtis is with Girl Scout Troop 10178. They wanted a project where they could do some good for their community, so they decided to do a Carrollton Manor food drive. We couldn't believe how much food they collected! They dropped off more than 30 bags and boxes filled with food, toiletries, and baby supplies, plus $47 in cash! Thank you for your generosity!

Another Fun and Successful Fourth of July Parade in Severna Park!


What a fantastic time we had at the Greater Severna Park & Arnold Chamber of Commerce Fourth of July Parade yesterday! We collected four shopping carts full of food, and $685 in donations from spectators! In addition to our two directors, thanks to SPAN President Ted Florenz and volunteer Barbara Troxel for braving the heat to march with us. Thanks to Benfield Safeway and manager Brian Dowling for loaning us four shopping carts and donating a dozen balloons. Thanks also to the energetic and thoughtful youth from the Chartwell Young Leaders group - led by Marci Flynn - and Kate and Travis Peterson for leading our group with their decorated Jeep! Thanks also to the parents of these fine youth who marched alongside us. Thanks also to the Woods Memorial Presbyterian Church Praise Band, led by Sarah Kent, for introducing the SPAN group and letting folks know about our collection. Following are the youth from Chartwell Young Leaders who helped us in the Parade:

Peter Regala
Thomas Regala
DA Regala
Taylor Jones
Caroline Peterson
Hanna Verreault
Hunter Verreault
Sophie McAvoy
McKenna Miller
Luke Miller
Mia Phippen
Lola Phippen
Ryleigh Connell
Cecilia Clanton
Kaitlyn Flynn
Hunter Flynn

Squash Lovers Are Rejoicing at Recent Produce Donations!

Summer is here at SPAN! And what could be a better way to celebrate its arrival than with fresh squash! Many thanks to Our Shepherd Lutheran Church and to Kenny's Produce in Millersville for donating these amazing specimens, which will surely be appreciated by our clients!

Linda Zahn is the Winner of our Father's Day Online Auction Basket!

Congratulations to Steve and Linda Zahn for winning our latest online auction! Their basket is filled with goodies generously donated by Severna Park Golf CenterDawson's LiquorsGarry's Grill & Catering, and more!

Remembering Johanna "Joie" Myers, Long-Time SPAN Board Member and Volunteer

SPAN is sad to announce the passing of Board member and long-time volunteer Johanna "Joie" Myers. A service of Witness to the Resurrection for Joie Myers will be held on Monday, June 4, 2018, at 1:00 PM, in the sanctuary of Woods Memorial Presbyterian Church, 611 Baltimore Annapolis Blvd., Severna Park, MD. A reception will follow in Fellowship Hall.

Joie will be missed by her SPAN family, and will be kept in our prayers.

St. Martin's-in-the-Field Episcopal Church Makes Generous Donation

Many thanks to St. Martins-In-The-Field Episcopal Church for their generous donation to SPAN. Pictured are Larry Sells, Pastor Matthew Hanisian and SPAN Board Member Kathy Berge.

Local Boys Host an Apple-tastic Birthday Party

Meet Leo and Remy Syms, ages 4 and 2. They just had a combined birthday party for which they asked their guests to bring apples to donate to SPAN instead of birthday gifts. We like the way you think boys! Special thanks also, to their mother, Chelsea, for reinforcing these good values! 

SPAN Online Auctions - Check our Facebook Page Soon!


Our first Online Auction was for wine and chocolates, just in time for Mother's Day, generously donated by Goska's Liquors and Coco Couture.

The winning bid was $50, which will be put into SPAN's general fund. Thanks to all who participated. 

If you'd like to donate an item for a future auction, please email us at [email protected].

Welcome Hope Springs Community Church - SPAN's Newest Partner Church!

Welcome to our newest partner church, Hope Springs Community Church of Arnold, and pastor Paul Raddin. We are very happy to have you as part of our family! Check out their website here:

Oak Hill Daisy Troop 1264 Makes Donation to SPAN and Takes Tour

We had the pleasure of receiving a visit from the lovely and smart Daisies of Troop 1264 from Oak Hill Elementary School. They loaded us up with donations and then took a tour of our SPAN house. Thank you very much to the leaders for facilitating this visit!

SPAN, Inc. (Serving People Across Neighborhoods)
400 Benfield Rd.
Severna Park, MD 21146

Please mail checks to:
PO Box 626
Severna Park, MD 21146

Phone: 410-647-0889
Fax: 410-647-7724
Email: [email protected]
Hours: Monday through Thursday, 10:00am-1:30pm